




After Adam and Eve had fallen into sin and were expelled from the Garden of Eden, we read that Adam fathered a child, and the boy was just like him. Adam's son was born "in his father's image".

We live in a time, when "IMAGE" is said to be everything. Each year billions of dollars are spent on cosmetics, color consultants, fad diets, and the latest fashions. Business students are required to read Malloy's book, Dress for Success. We may think it's our teens, who are so preoccupied with how they look. But, is it? Many corporations issue standards, dictating everything from how their executives will dress; to where they will live, the car they will drive, and the acceptable country clubs and social organizations for them to join.

Are you addicted to the opinions of others? Is being popular among your peers a priority?

Sure, we all want to be accepted. We want to be loved, appreciated and need to feel that our lives matter … that we are significant. But, I'm not at all convinced that these needs can be genuinely met by receiving the applause of man.

Could it be that we begin to move toward personal wholeness, by letting go of our hang-up with the opinions of others and seek to please God.

You don't have to look like the world's crowd to be acceptable. In fact God's word says, "come out from the world and be separate" … "love not the world, neither the things in the world" … "if you are of God, the world will hate you".

You can see yourself through the eyes of Christ … see yourself in His image. See yourself, as having incredible value; see your body as His dwelling place or "temple"; view your unique talents, as gifts He has given. See each moment of life, as an opportunity to bless others and glorify Him.

Think for a moment … would Christ lose control, have a mental and physical breakdown … would He worry about being popular and keeping up with His neighbors.

Genuine Success - Is the progressive realization of God's highest purpose for your life. It is not playing to a grandstand of imperfect, misguided associates.

See the potential that God sees in your life…look again at Calvary and discover just how valuable you are to your Heavenly Father, how precious and significant.

If you want to experience personal freedom, joy and wholeness … begin to reflect Christ's image through your life!

Make Today Count,

Pastor Steve