

Breaking Out Of Depression:

Are you depressed? Here are some thoughts that I'd like to offer with the realization that "the joy of the Lord is our strength" and knowing that God does answer prayer.

The Causes of Depression:

Depression affects everyone. Men, women, rich and poor, famous and successful; all are affected by it.

Over ninety-five percent of even the severely depressed can be totally cured if the condition is identified early enough. It is important to heed the early warning signs of depression and act immediately.

It is important to remember that once a person starts becoming depressed, he usually behaves in a manner that reinforces the depression.

Depression in itself is not sin. It is a symptom of something disturbing the balance in your life. There are many causes for depression as you will see in the list below. The cause may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

What Is Depression?

A depressed person will have some of the following characteristics.

Causes of Depression

Look over the above list of causes of depression and see if you can think of anything that might be causing you to become depressed. It is often a sign that your body needs rest and refreshment after a period of strain. Obey this sign as you would a sign of pain or hunger.

Some Basic Principles in Handling Depression

  1. Get rid of your grudges on a daily basis (Ephesians 4:26). Don’t go to bed angry with another person. Resolve your bitterness, hurts and anger on a daily basis.
  2. Do all you can do to resolve family conflicts. "If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men" (Romans 12:18). Do your part to be at peace with every member of your family. Develop intimacy with your spouse and children.
  3. Each week, preferably each day, find something that you can do for a special person. Go out of your way to reach out to someone in need.
  4. Commit yourself to an intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ. Glorify Jesus Christ with your daily life. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).
  5. Become involved in a small group Bible study or share group. Take time to fellowship with one or two committed Christians of the same sex.
  6. Spend time each day meditating on God’s Word and applying it to your everyday life. (Read Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1; Psalm 119).
  7. Be personally involved in something that will still be worthwhile to you a million years from now. Have a daily routine that brings personal satisfaction to you and that will glorify God through your life.


Make Today Count,

Pastor Steve